Asbestos is a mineral capable of causing lung disease and many forms of cancer. Railroads used asbestos products heavily during the steam era on steam locomotives.
Even with the advent of diesel locomotives, the newer engines still contained many asbestos products in various forms on those locomotives as well. Railroad shop workers during the steam era and diesel era have been exposed to asbestos products. Train crews who worked on steam engines and even diesels have had exposure to asbestos products. Many of these workers would be in the roundhouses, backshops and other repair facilities from time to time and were exposed to the asbestos dust generated by the repair and maintenance of steam and diesel locomotives. Many other industries besides the railroads used asbestos products heavily, including ship building, construction, manufacturing and many others. As a result, many workers have developed lung diseases including asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancers, colon cancer, and other forms of asbestos related cancer. Mesothelioma is a particularly brutal and aggressive form of cancer highly associated with asbestos products which has no cure. If you have been afflicted with an asbestos related disease, The Moody Law Firm, Inc. can help you obtain compensation from your previous employer as well as the companies that made and sold theseRailroad crafts who The Moody Law Firm, Inc. have helped obtain compensation for asbestos related diseases include:
- Machinists
- Boiler makers
- Electricians
- Pipe fitters
- Laborers
- Carmen
- Blacksmiths
- Signalmen
- Firemen
- Engineers
- Brakemen
- Conductors
- Maintenance of way personnel
- Clerks
The Moody Law Firm, Inc. has represented thousands of railroad workers across America and obtained millions in compensation for them. We have the expertise and years of experience to assist you and your loved ones with these types of cases. We have handled asbestos claims with virtually every major railroad in America including the short lines, and our practice in this field has spanned the entire continental United States. We have a vast library of documents, photographs, literature and other information obtained over decades of litigating cases against railroads for asbestos related disease that help us with bringing successful results to our clients. We are approved as the designated legal counsel for virtually every rail union in the country.